Small Business Genies - Marketing Central Coast
Small Business Genies - Small business marketing on the Central Coast.
Got the best product or service in your category? If that's true, how are you distinguishing yourself from the competition?
Branding & Identity
First things first - branding is strategic and marketing is tactical. With little effort anyone can get people through a door on price, but what gains their trust? What wins their loyalty and gets them to return a second or thrid time? It's the experience they have with you and your brand.
What does your shop front, logo, uniform and signage say about your brand? Are you simply keeping yourself employed, or are you growing a successful business?
We'll review your brand against our small business marketing maturity matrix and provide you with simple and effective strategies to grow and develop your business and brand.
Strategy & Coaching
Strategy for small business is about understanding what motivates your customers to buy from you and translating that into a set of strategic action plans and collateral that make a difference.
That can include things like developing compelling messaging, utilising channels more effectively, creating long and short term priorities and putting some realistic timeframes around accomplishing what we've set out to do.
It doesn't have to be complicated and it can be managed in bite size portions that you can afford to do, both in terms of time and investment.
Design & Creative
Design without strategy is art. Design with strategy is marketing. At Small Business Genies we offer the perfect blend of creative design and experienced marketing savvy.
We keep a watchful eye over all creative design concepts to ensure the message is not overwhelmed or lost in translation.
From logo and brochure design, to EDM and digital communications, newsletters, corporate publications, websites, sales and campaign collateral. We'll apply our creative 'genieus' beyond the keyboard.
Digital Marketing
If you think digital marketing is just about social media... then think again. Using digital platforms to build customer relationships, grow your brand, and spread the word about your business is not only a low cost solution, but ideal for small business.
Many small businesses owners attempt this and fail. Why? Because they lack the resource, understanding and patience. The truth is, if it's worth doing, it's worth doing well. Knowing what to do and how to do it is half the battle. Add content and production quality and you'll start capturing peoples' attention.
CRM & Customer Data
Capturing and managing customer information is vital to the success and longevity of any business. If you're not collecting customer data, how can you expect to grow lasting relationships and foster loyalty?
We'll work with you to identify the data sets you need to capture and how to put it to good use to grow and develop your business.
Networking Alliance
Forget social media for a moment, we're talking peer networking. At Small Business Genies we work with forward thinking non-competitive small business owners to network and leverage client data for mutual reward.
Talk to Small Business Genies today about partnering with other local small business owners to spread the word about your product or service.